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Wisy among 12 top startups in North America to be accelerated by Google

Wisy was selected from 1,000 startups in the United States and Canada. Only twelve startups founded by women will be accelerated by Google.

Panama, September 1, 2020. Wisy, the Panamanian startup with operations in Silicon Valley was selected among 1,000 startups to participate in the Google Startup Accelerator.

Through this Accelerator, Google promotes women-founded startups that are helping to solve some of the world’s most encompassing challenges. 50% of Wisy founders are women who drive the development of technology to transform the way we work, collaborate and serve the societies of the future.

Min Chen, CEO and co-founder of Wisy, commented that “the acceleration with Google will make it easier to reach our goals in artificial intelligence more quickly since we will have the resources, knowledge and experience of this technology giant that chose Wisy within 12 best in the United States and Canada. “

The Accelerator, which will start in September, has been designed to put the best Google programs, products, people and technology at the service of the 12 selected startups. In addition to mentoring and technical support for projects, the accelerator also includes conferences and workshops focused on product design, customer acquisition and leadership development for the founders. The group of selected companies will have access to Google executives and successful entrepreneurs such as Alison Wagonfeld, Chief Marketing Officer of Google Cloud and Meg Whitman, CEO of Quibi.

Jason Scott, Director of the Google Entrepreneurship Development Ecosystem in the United States, commented: “We are very excited that Wisy is joining the inaugural version of the Google Entrepreneurship Accelerator for Women Founders. Its platform powered by artificial intelligence will be of great support for mass consumer products companies, so that they can better manage product availability and out-of-inventory problems. We look forward to working together and supporting Wisy in this stage of growth. ”

For Google, supporting women entrepreneurs is not just doing the right thing, it is an opportunity to boost the economy when it needs it most. Figures worldwide confirm that when women create their own businesses, economies grow.

According to the Advancement Manager (CAO) and co-founder of Wisy Nélida Gómez “Having been chosen by Google confirms that Wisy is among the best startups in a highly competitive ecosystem of excellence. Our team will be working closely with Google experts in machine learning and artificial intelligence to accelerate our growth targets. For us, having been selected reaffirms the strengths of our technology, value proposition and team of people. “

Wisy’s vision is to create technology solutions to solve global problems and as a result of its value proposition, Wisy has been recognized by Silicon Valley’s most prestigious innovation programs such as Carnegie Mellon VentureBridge, SAP.iO, Plug and Play and Nasdaq Milestone Maker. Wisy’s team assesses the current and future needs of society and works closely with its clients to co-innovate, and to create social and economic well-being.